Company Closure

Our support and services for companies who are considering closing

Understanding Your Liquidation Options: CVL vs. MVL

The purpose of each is very different, although they are both done voluntarily, and used for various reasons.

When a business faces financial difficulties or its directors decide it’s time to close down, understanding the options available is crucial. At Company Money Worries, we specialize in guiding businesses through these challenging times. Two common routes for closing a company in the UK are Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation (CVL) and Members’ Voluntary Liquidation (MVL). Here’s what you need to know about each option and how they differ.

Creditors’ Voluntary Liquidation (CVL)

A CVL is initiated by the directors of a company when it is insolvent and cannot pay its debts. A CVL aims to wind up the company in a manner that fairly addresses the interests of its creditors. Here are the key steps and features:

  • Initiation: The process begins when the directors conclude that the company cannot continue due to its debts.
  • Shareholders’ Approval: Most shareholders must approve the directors’ decision.
  • Appointment of a Liquidator: A licensed insolvency practitioner is appointed to liquidate the company’s assets, settle debts with creditors, and distribute any remaining assets in order of priority.
  • Closure: The company is dissolved, ending its existence.

The CVL process prioritizes creditors and aims to settle debts reasonably and efficiently. It’s a way to close down an insolvent company responsibly while minimizing potential legal repercussions for the directors.

Members’ Voluntary Liquidation (MVL)

An MVL is used when a company is a solvent (able to pay its debts), but the directors or shareholders decide to close it. It’s often chosen for strategic reasons, such as the retirement of the directors or restructuring of business activities. The MVL process includes:

  • Declaration of Solvency: The directors must swear that the company can pay its debts within 12 months.
  • Shareholders’ Resolution: At least 75% of shareholders must vote for the liquidation.
  • Appointment of a Liquidator: A licensed insolvency practitioner is appointed to oversee the winding up of the company, paying off debts, and distributing surplus assets to shareholders.
  • Closure: The company is dissolved after all affairs are settled.

MVLs are tax-efficient ways to distribute assets to shareholders and can be an attractive option for closing a solvent company.

Choosing Between CVL and MVL

The choice between a CVL and an MVL depends on the financial health of your company and your reasons for winding up:

  • Insolvency: If your company cannot pay its debts, a CVL is an appropriate choice.
  • Solvent Liquidation: If your company is solvent and you wish to close it, an MVL offers tax benefits and a more straightforward process.

How Company Money Worries Can Help

At Company Money Worries, we understand that closing your company is a significant and often difficult decision. Our team is here to provideĀ 

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